
Sunday, August 29, 2021



In our social justice hurumanu we’ve been talking about very important issues happening in today’s world. The main topic for our assignments have been prejudices against certain communities. Whether it be racism, homophobia, etc. The main point of this writing is picking three communities that get pre-judged by people. I will be writing about these communities and what sort of hate they may face. I chose to write about the Asian, black and the LGBTQ+ community. Below you will find what I've written, enjoy!

Black Community -

Throughout many many years the black community has been enduring massive suffering from racism. As you may know way back, a long time ago black people were enslaved. They did many things that they probably didn’t want to do but were forced to do either way, they even had “owners” who would tell them what to do and when. Back then most black people didn’t have any rights at all, this was because most people believed that they didn’t deserve rights so they weren’t given the same freedom as other communities. The reasoning behind this was most likely because of their skin colour, a lot of people called them “dirty” and would use an excessive amount of offensive slurs. Using offensive slurs and trashing people of colour was considered “normal” back then, thank god it isn’t anymore. What Rosa Parks experienced is a great example of what happens to people of colour, sometimes even worse things may sadly happen to them. Here is a brief explanation of what Rosa parks went through and how she dealt with it.

Another great example of what sadly happens to people of colour a lot is George Floyd, he allegedly stole a packet of cigarettes from a store. Shortly after that, his life was wrongly stolen from him by a corrupted police officer. It’s very sad to see people of colour die just because of the pigment of their skin, everyone deserves to have a chance to live. Since the passing of George Floyd, many people have taken a step forward and protested against the police and against racism. These peaceful protesters have really helped the black community and I'm sure police officers will think twice before doing anything that they might regret. Although George Floyd isn't the first to die from police brutality, many many black people have died without justice. A lot of peoples main judgement upon seeing a balck person is that they might be “dangerous” or that they might be in a “gang”, this is wrong. You shouldn’t base a person's personality on what other people did, everyone is different. In 2021 it’s slowly getting better and there aren’t many racist acts anymore but it definitely still happens.

Asian Community -

Speaking from experience, the Asian community also gets a lot of hate from a lot of different people. The Asian community has been getting oppressed a lot, over the years. Most common pre-judges Asian people receive is that they speak a certain way, and or their eyes are different from other people's eyes. It is really wrong for people to mock languages to sound a certain way and lift their eyes to make them look like  “Asian eyes” in a form of mocking. Racism towards Asians have been getting a lot worse since covid-19 started, this is because people believe that we allegedly are the viruses and that us as a community is the reason why covid started. I don’t think it’s right to accuse a whole community of causing such a horrible act. Videos have been accumulating on the internet that shows Asians getting hit, attacked and getting called racial slurs. Most of these people who were attacked did nothing wrong, but in some people's eyes they guess it was ok to hit someone because they’re Asian. It is sad to see people of the Asian descent attacked and sometimes killed because of the wrongdoing of others. People have to understand that the people they hurt may have families, friends, relatives and a loving partner who cares for them. They have to start putting themselves in other people’s shoes. Similar to the black community, some Asians were also enslaved and traded to “owners”. 

LGBTQ+ Community-

As we already know, the LGBTQ+ community is people who have different preferences. This is the reason why they get hated on, they get hated on for loving someone. Writing that didn’t even make sense to me, so how could people be so ignorant and start bashing someone because they have a different preference? The LGBTQ+ community have been through a lot, in the olden days marriage of the same sex was banned. It was also considered sinful to date someone of the same sex. It’s sad to know that people were abused and sometimes killed for showing affection. I don’t see what’s wrong with loving someone of the same sex, it’s their life. Most pre-judges about the people in this community are that they act a certain way or that they’re “weird”. A lot of religious people think it’s wrong to be gay because they belive that it’s disrespecting god and that they are committing a sin. Can you imagine how difficult it must be to be separated from someone you love because of your gender? Parent’s should learn to teach their kids that it’s okay to be a little different from everyone else, everyone can be different and that’s okay. Another sad thing is that in some cases, teens get “disowned” by their parents because they believe that it ruins their reputation to have a gay son/daughter. My opinion is that people in this community deserve freedom and be able to love who they want to love. LOVE is LOVE you can’t stop it.

From what I've written, I can learn that people get blinded and might start to hate other people. Most get influenced by social media on their judgements of people. The world will never be able to change if people keep acting this way. Social media, news, etc have taken over their brains and they can’t think straight. We’re not living in the past anymore! It’s time to change. Think, what can you do to help? Open your eyes.


  1. Kia Ora Faye, You are very engaged with this topic and your explanations and examples illustrate, sadly, the many different kinds prejudice faced by communities. Well done. There are billions of people in the world so obviously there will be lots of variations and ways to be a different even within groups and communities. Would you say that people need to be more tolerant (and then respectful) of people they just don't know?

    1. Kia Ora Mr Collins! It great to see your feedback, I do agree that people need to be more tolerant to others even people who they don't know.


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