
Friday, February 26, 2021

Film making Shots - H1

This week in Humanities we did a DLO about film making and shots, as you can see it shows a couple of shots that most movies/Animated films use. Most of these shot were used by a lot of well-known movies, most of these are also most common around film making. These aren't all the shots, there are many more! This! If you're planning to do a film or a movie, I hope you find this DLO helpful on finding what type of shots you would like to use in your Movies/Animated Films. In this listing, my thoughts are that I really like high and low angles and would definitely use these in my own films if I had the chance. The reasoning of why I like these shots is because it shows how that certain person or thing feels, for example if its a high angle shot, they might feel weak or scared. If it's a Low angle shot that person might feel powered. What is your favourite type of Shots? 

Friday, February 19, 2021

ESOL - What I do on the Weekends!

 What I do on the Weekends!

This week in ESOL class we will be talking about what we like to do in our spare time during the weekends! Personally for me, weekends are relaxing days, I just tend to do nothing and just chill all day. Right now me and my friends have been playing this game called “Genshin Impact” . We usually play this game constantly during the weekends day and night! I love playing this game with my friends because it brings us together and it does involve a lot of teamwork to defeat certain bosses ! We are usually on calls for hours on end until it’s finally time for bed, although it can get a bit crazy during the calls it’s still very fun and gives us a lot of laughs! Whenever I don’t really feel like playing this game I usually draw a lot, Though my drawings aren’t really the best… I still enjoy drawing! I love to draw anime characters from shows, Usually from the shows I watch but some, just at random. During these times, sometimes I have to take care of my sister’s dog that I pet sit whenever they’re gone, I love taking care of him! Sometimes there’s nothing to do at home really… So I'm bored a lot! To solve this, I usually pop the TV on and watch some Netflix for a little bit. I don’t usually come to the mall with my parents since I tend to be busy playing my game but, Whenever I do decide to hop off and go to the malls, It’s quite fun! If I do have homework, I just do it during the weekends since there are too many things to do during the school days and it does cure my boredom. And if again, I don’t feel like doing anything I just go on call with friends and talk about stuff going on in school and just lay in bed while we talk. These are mostly the things I do during the weekends, I don’t really do much, Honestly I just do things at random or whenever I feel like it. On Fridays when the weekends start I usually relax/Sleep all day because of all the exhaustion from school work! These are usually all the things I do during the weekends! Hope you liked it! And what stuff do you like to do during the weekends? 

Wga - About Socrates and his big idea.

Hello readers, today I will only be making a short blog about Socrates. This week in Wga class we had a talk about Socrates and his big ideas, here are some of our questions during this lesson and what we've learned so far.

What was Socrates big idea?

Socrates big idea what asking ourselves the question "Why" questions about how we're feeling or thinking. The particular reasoning for the thought of this idea was because Socrates learned that not many people knew themselves or know their feelings and thoughts and why they are feeling and thinking in this way. Soon after he learned that, he thought of this idea of asking ourselves "Why".

How can this idea help you?

This idea is very useful in spite of the fact that, It will help you reason with yourself by asking the question "Why". This can help you get out of distress or help you get out of a situation, For examples asking  "Why am I doing this". Asking ourselves the "Why" question is also very helpful for understanding yourselves, This is because it gets you thinking why you are doing this particular thing that may be a bit questionable. This helps with your emotions and how you act, and it may help you realise something and stop what you're doing or about to do. In all the facts stated in this text I do think that asking yourself from time to time is important, even for just once a day.

What do you think about asking "Why" Questions to yourself?

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Well-being, About Whare Ta Pa Wha - Hurumanu 5

Whare Tapa Wha

This week in Hurumanu 5, we learned about Whare Tapa Wha, Whare Tapa Wha is about the four well-beings, These are, Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Social. It is also about your health, This information is very useful, the particular reason for the circumstance is that some of these well-being's you use in your everyday lives. 

I'm my team of two, My personal thoughts are I contributed pretty well, and did a nice amount of work through out these past few weeks, I personally think I didn't do too bad. I contributed by helping my team mate with the things she needed help with and doing the work needed to complete the assignment. Both of us completed our work in the time needed. Next time we do this I will try doing better at my work and doing my best, in spite of the fact that I did fine, I do think there are a few things I could've done a lot better, By maybe being faster at my work and putting a lot more effort then I did.

It was quite challenging when we had to build a Whare because of all the pieces we had to put together and glue, We also had to write on paper which i'm not very good at, considering the fact that my hand writing isn't really the best. Although there were a couple of set-backs me and my team coped with it by helping each-other though-out the process in the making of the Whare. Not only that we also coped with this challenge by listening to each-others thought on what we should do with our work and I think this helped us out a lot because it made us avoid arguing. In all of the facts stated in this matter, My thoughts are that I worked nicely with my team in spite of the fact that we didn't argue at all during our project.
Next time I will try to make a nicer Whare because our one isn't exactly the best... Other then that I liked how it turned out considering the fact that we had to restart our project.

Here are some photos I took of the Whare we made (360 Preview) I'm not quite sure if you can read it but I hope you like it either way! What could I have done better?

Researching about Taika Waititi - Hurumanu 1

Researching about Taika Waititi - Hurumanu 1 

By - Faye A. Ordonez 

About Taika Waititi - Taika Waititi is a director from New Zealand that has grown quite popular around the years. His full name is Taika David Conhen ONZM but is usually called by the name Taika Waititi or his surname Cohen. Though his profession is to be a director he is also a producer, screenwriter, actor and comedian! He was born on the 16 of August 1975, His current age being 45 years of age. He has two children right now. 

About his career. - Taika Waititi is talented in a lot of things like, Directing , Producing, screenwriting, acting and comedy! It has been estimated that his net worth is currently around 3 million dollars. Throughout the years he has earned 7 awards from his movies!

Some movies he has directed in. - Hunt for the Wilder-people, Jojo Rabbit, Boy, Thor : Ragnarok. These are only some of them, He has directed in many more movies! I would definitely recommend all of these movies, Though I haven't watched some of them, I’ve heard that these movies were amazing! 

My personal comment. - I have only watched one of his movies during school called “Boy” This is also listed above this text. My thoughts on this movie were pretty amazing! I loved the acting and how the story turned out! I would recommend watching his movies, Because I'm sure to watch some others soon! Image result for taika waititi acted movies

Friday, February 12, 2021

ESOL - 12 February 2021

321 RIQ -

Today in ESOL class we learned something called 321 RIQ, This strategy is used to reflect on your blog post and help you write it. We are going to be writing about 3 R which means recalling/remembering what we've learned/did in the subject. The second thing is 2 I which means something new you learned during that subject and that you may have not known about before. the third thing is 1 Q Which means asking something about that subject like when and how, For example " When are we going to play more games? ". 

3 Recalls - I remember learning about the meaning of blogging, this particular topic helped me encourage myself to write more blog posts. I haven't really been the type to like writing blog posts but that topic helped me encourage myself to. I also remember when we learned about the advantages of being able to show your work to the teacher. On the first day of ESOL I wasn't here so I don't really remember much but a couple of my friends told me that they learned about each other while playing a game calle the "Name Game" 

2 Insights - 321 RIQ was one of the new things I learned during this ESOL class, Im happy that I was able to understand/Learn about this because it will help me in my future blog posts. Another thing I learned about in ESOL was about my teachers and my classmates, it was interesting to hear what they liked to do. It was nice to learn something new about my teacher as well!

1 Questions - Something ive been wondering about is that when will we be able to play more games? And what type of work we will be doing in the future.

Athletic scores.

 I will update this every two times a week for our PE period.

Event.Athletic Scores.
Long Jump.
High Jump
Sprints60m (12.10s) 100m (16.10s)
Shot put 