
Monday, March 25, 2019

WALT: add more detail to sentences

Today we made a sentence using adjective, verbs and nouns

here is what we did :

We played a game for hours.

We played a terrific game for hours.

This evening we played a terrific game for hours

This evening we played a terrific game for hours inside a ice rink

This evening we played a terrific game of hockey for hours inside a ice rink

This evening we played a terrific game of hockey for hours inside a  
slippery, freezing  ice rink

This evening we played a terrific game of hockey for hours inside a  
slippery, freezing  ice rink while trying to score a goal.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Trash Art

Reflect on the artwork we have chosen.
Image result for art trash birdsWe have chosen to create a native bird out of trash to represent our community. We can make it out of cans, old tiers, rusted metal and wrappers.we haven't decided if we are gonna make it on the wall or make a statue. we might make it big or small, It depends on how much trash we pick up.

Here are some pictures of some other people who created art out of trash.
Image result for art trash birds kiwiImage result for art made out oftrash albatross

Friday, March 15, 2019


What did you do on Tuesday?

On Tuesday we played multi sport, Multi sport is when you play different games, We play basket ball, touch, foot ball and netball. And we also played our sports with our sport teams.

Within your sport group what worked well?

When we talked about what we were gonna play we all sorted out what we were gonna play really well, And didn't argue too much. And I also think we helped each other pretty well when we didn't know what to do.

What do you need to change for next time?

I think I need to change how I communicate and try to communicate more with my team and try to speak loud and clearly. And also try to listen and pay attention to my team mates.

What are you looking forward to when you present?

I'm looking forward to showing examples for the ripper rugby because I really hope we can all play ripper rugby once we all know how to play. 

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Food tech / Apple crumble

Yesterday we made apple crumble, I loved the apple crumble because it had a lot of flavour to it and I could taste all of the different ingredients we put into it like cinnamon, brown sugar and the apple. I also liked the texture because it was very chew-able.It had the right amount of sugar to it so it didn't taste too sweet nor to bitter. Over all I really loved the apple crumble. 😁

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Rubbish Art

In your own words, what is the project?
The project is about picking up rubbish and making art out of it so we can reuse them instead of throwing them.

What is the purpose?
To help our environment and pick up rubbish so there are less rubbish everywhere and make our community and environment tidy, And making them in to are so we can reuse.

How much rubbish do you think we are going to collect? Why do you think that?
I think we are going to have three pounds of rubbish because there are now a lot of rubbish around the world and sometimes people don't put rubbish in rubbish bins or in the correct bin.

What colours do you think we will see the most? Why?
I think ill see silver the most because there are a lot of cans on the street or path, and there are also a lot of silver wrappers around.

What type of art would you like to create?
I would like to create an art of a horse eating grass or hay 

Monday, March 11, 2019

Movie magic

Movie magic

W.A.L.T I can write a narrative  using correct structure. 

Me, Janel, Christian, Khyle, JV and Qyn are re-making the movie Rapunzel, but with a twist.
Here are our roles: Qyn is Rapunzel, Janel is mother gothel, Christian is the camera guy, Khyle is the narrator, JV is Flynn and i'm the editor.
Image result for rapunzel logoThe story is kind of like Rapunzel but the opposite, Flynn is the evil person and mother gothel is the nice person. But the same parts are when Flynn tricks Rapunzel and mother gothel tries to find her.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Hornby High School Community

*Explain what community you have joined
Iv'e joined the Hornby High School community.

*Explain why this group is your passion
I joined Hornby High school community because I had a few ideas to improve our school and share it with other people. I really hope some of the ideas me and my team mates have thought of can do the ideas in the future.

*Explain one idea you interested in
The most idea that I was interested in was The bake sale, I am interested in the bake sale because I really like to bake, and I think it can fund raise a lot of money. I'd really want to sell cookies or cupcakes, If we do the bake sale.

*How do you think you will achieve this idea
We are going to ask the teachers to help us make the stand for the bake sale and maybe ask some other student to help us bake different types of food.

Friday, March 1, 2019



What game did I find challenging and why?
I found bench ball challenging because I  had to jump, pass, throw, catch ,run, communicate and listen to your team.

One of the goals was to listen... what skills do you need to be a good listener?
You needed to always stay focused so you can hear your team mates when they're passing the ball to you.

What communication skills did I need when playing bench ball?
You needed to be loud so your team mates can hear you and you also needed to be clear of what your saying so they can understand what your saying.

What skills do  need to work on for my next lesson?
I think I need to work on my catching skills next time we play bench ball.

What personal goal do I need to work on today?
Hopefully I can improve on my communication skills and focus on the game instead of chatting.