
Thursday, September 30, 2021

ESOL T3 - Feedback.

I personally think that the best lesson was reading Wonder and playing some fun games that our teacher presented us. I liked reading wonder because it gave us time to “wonder” and have our own peace and quiet. Although I wouldn’t want to read ALL the time. I really enjoyed playing the games a lot because it gave us the opportunity to bond with friends and classmates, and it was also fun competing to make sure our team will win!One task I was proud of is, well i’m not specifically proud of a particular work that I did because I think I did decent work not outstanding or bad work. One thing I would do differently next time I do ESOL is that I'd try to make more time in completing work and try my best to have a decent grade. I would like to try and get out of my comfort zone at some point so that I can speak better in future jobs..One more thing I’d like to share is that I liked watching the movie about the three men in Jamaica who were trying to win the Olympic games, I enjoyed this part of the term because we got to learn about a sport that I haven’t heard much about and that we didn’t really have to do much when we got to class!

Monday, September 27, 2021

Food economics / Food review

 Kia ora!

Today I will be discussing what I did for food economics last week. Sadly I forgot the name of the food but it was a burrito or taco looking snack! Now you may be asking, how did you make this delicious tasting snack? Well here is what I remember. 

First things first, we got our instructions from our teacher and once she was done talking to us she let us off to go have a try at cooking this snack. First I cut the meat into little pieces, approximately 1 cm wide and perhaps 2 cm long whilst my partner started to cut the vegetables. Me and my partner stood a little far from each other since we didn't want an infection to occur if the veggies and the chicken mixes. After we were done cutting everything, I seasoned the meat with spice mix and popped it in the oven. While waiting for it to cook we put in the tortilla in the microwave for 10 seconds and started preparing everything that was gonna go inside. Finally! We assembled everything together and had a bite.

It tasted delicious... as the food filled my mouth with flavor and texture I felt all the Little veggie pieces and the meat getting crushed in my mouth, they all thankfully mixed well together. As I was biting it some of the filling got out, but it's okay I put it back in! The flavour that stood out most to me was the onion, it had a very strong but good flavour. Perhaps if I could re-do it again I would perhaps put more ingredients in the meat.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Static Electricity.

What are the 3 particles that make up everything? Which ones have positive and negative charge?

Protons = Positive 

Neutrons = Neutral 

Electrons = Negative

Objects want to be "electrically neutral", what does this mean?

It means that they want to have an even balance of negative and positive, opposites attract.

When you rub two insulators you can get a static shock, so what is an insulator and a conductor?

Insulators are bad at passing on electricity but conductors are good.

What is an example of static electricity?

You can get static electricity from your hair, carpet, jacket,cardigan, slides, etc.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Open Steak Sandwich !

                                        Open Steak Sandwich

How we made it ~

We started off by getting all of our needed ingredients and supplies out and on our tables. Of Course we sanitised it before putting them on. Once everything was all set, our teacher instructed us on what needed to be done and we finally started! Firstly we rolled the red meat and rolled it into slightly long pieces whilst our partners cut the vegetables which consisted of peppers, onion, salad leaves, tomatoes, etc. After the cutting has been done we mixed some of the vegetables with the meat and put it on the pan to fry, it didn’t take long for it to cook nicely! Once these were cooked we put them in our buns and put the extra sauces and veggies onto the burger.

How it tasted ~

By far this was my favourite food we made in our class, it tasted so good it’s indescribable! Everything from top to bottom complimented each other, the steak was the perfect texture it wasn’t rubbery/chewy or too under-cooked. The vegetables tasted a tad bit sweet and went well with the sauces we put on. You could hear the veggies crunching in your mouth as you bit into it! 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Cay - Questions about Chapters 12-13.

1. How many days have Timothy and Philip been of the islands?
They've been in the cay for around 40 days.

2. What does Philip do to help Timothy when he is sick?
Philip helps timothy by assisting him, gave Timothy water and ripped some parts of his clothes to put on top of Timothy forehead like Philips mom did with him.

3. Explain why Philip is ready to climb the coconut tree?
Because he succeed climbing it and Timothy taught him what to do and how to specifically climb the tree. 

4. Why do you think Timothy is trying to teach Philip these survival skills?
Because Timothy thinks that he may die so he teaches Philip how to do these certain tasks so that when he is gone he will still be able to survive on his own.

5. What do you think Philip mean by his comment, "are you still Black"?
I think Timothy asked this question sarcastically because he perceived black people as being bad or unhelpful whilst Timothy was good and helpful which he thought wasn't the case.

Eye dissection.

What we did -

Yesterday during science we did a dissection! We decided to do a dissection on a cow eye and see what was in it. Although before we started, we needed to learn ow to do it so we watched a video. Afterwards we started dissecting. We first cut all the excess fat off of the eye, after all of the fat was recycled we cut off the cornea to get inside. As we were cutting some of the humerus juice came out! It was black and it looked a bit dirty, Once all the ooze was out some slimy clear liquid came out with the lens (it sort of looked like a clear (egg). We saw a bit of the pupil on the side, it was coloured brown. We cut up everything and dug deep, we finally saw the retina and the ciliary muscles. It was black but some parts of it were colourful, it was really interesting to see what it looked like inside!

Reflection -

Did I enjoy it? - It wasn't the BEST experience to me, it felt and looked a bit disgusting. I personally didn't touch it much because i wasn't very fond of the idea but one of my teammates were brave enough to do it! I enjoyed exploring the parts of the eyes and learning new things.

What did I find interesting? - What I found most interesting was the retina! The colours fascinated me a lot and I was very curious why it was that type of colour compared to the rest of the eye, so I researched about it! Turns out it's like that because when light enters the eyes it gets reflected so it amplifies low level of the light. This will help them see better at the night time!

What did I learn? - Experimenting on the cow eye I learned a couple of things. For example I didn't know that there was a lot of liquid inside of the eyes! My original thought that it was all just a solid, I also expected to see blood inside the eye but I was wrong! 

Picture of me and my group!