
Thursday, September 24, 2020

B & E

On Wednesday, September 23 me and my team were working on our stand and out finishing touches. This included carrying our things to the right spot, Building our stand, Taping balloons to our backboard and of course trying to get customers. Our business is balloon popping, We thought of this idea because we had some inspiration on the last group that did this last year. After we were done building our stand and blowing up all the balloons it was time to wait. After a few minutes of waiting Mr Scott told everyone to meet up in our green space, After everyone had come he announced that Market day had started! Everyone started exploring around the place and exchanging their money for coins, At first their wasn't and customers coming to our stall this made me think that out business was gonna be a fail but turns out it was a success! More people started to come and some of them brought their friends along which definitely helped our business. Lots of customers came in and there was this really nice  customer that came to our stall 3 times (He was also a very good shot). Soon enough our stall sold out and we made a profit of $52.50 our profit loss was only $17. I definitely think that our business was success but I think next time if we do this again I would change the layout of our game and make it more interesting looking, Other then that I really liked how it turned out. The other stalls were also very great and there was a lot of yummy food and some great inventions! 

Business and Enterprise - Market Day 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Day Light Saving Research

In homeroom, we have been researching Daylight Saving. This is what I found out:

  1. When does Daylight Saving happen each year in New Zealand? It happens in last Sunday of September
  2. What year did Daylight Saving start in New Zealand? New Zealand first introduced day light saving in 1927.
  3. Why was Daylight Saving started? Thomas Sidey was the one who declared day light savings. This was so people could get 1 extra hour of day light. I think day light savings should continue because it gives people sometime after work, the 1974 revival of the daylight saving was for the farmers who had to milk their cows in the dark. I also think it should stay because you wouldn't have to pay as much for light because of the extra 1 hour.
  4. Do all the states in Australia have Daylight Saving? Who does and who doesn’t? Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory and South Australia all have daylight saving, while Queensland, the Northern Territory and Western Australia do not.
  5. Write 3 tips to help others adjust to Daylight Saving this weekend.
  • Start getting used to the time and improvise with it.
  • Sleeping somewhere comfortable.
  • Not putting your phone beside your bed because it might tempt you.

Friday, September 11, 2020

PE - Last Day Reflection

 PE - Last day Reflection 

These past 12 weeks we have been doing PE, Today is our last day. In these weeks we have spent them on trying to improve our physical health and physical skills. Some of the progress I made during this experience were, getting better at certain sports and learning a lot about teamwork. We've also been playing a lot of games which also helped us practice and warm up for upcoming events like the beep test or Friday sports. Although we may be doing a lot of physical things we also have been doing a little bit of maths and learned about measurements. A game I really enjoyed was long ball, It taught you throwing skills, Running, dodging skills and timing. We got pushed to our hardest and we all noticed improvements throughout these weeks. I definitely enjoyed PE!

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Solar Oven

Last week in science we made SOLAR OVENS!!!

Solar ovens are used to cook or melt things with only using solar power, Solar power is energy form the sun being used and turned into energy by some sort of device. In this case we made our own D.I.Y Solar oven, This oven consists of a box, foil, tape and one stick. It was very easy to make so i'm gonna teach you how! Grab a box and make a sort of contraption to trap the heat in, After that tape everything together and put foil all around in the inside. Go outside and look for a good sunny spot to put you solar oven at. If it takes too long you can try use a magnifine glass to help it heat up. We made some yummy smores with this oven! I hope you learned how to make your own solar oven!

Here is an example of mine that me and my team made!

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Tongan Language week - Hur1

Today we will be talking about Tongan Language week, And also some facts about it!
Tonga is a place located in New Zealand it is also a part of the pacific ocean, Rugby is the most famous sport in Tonga. Tonga was first discovered in 1616, It was founded by Abel Janszoon Tasman.
Tonga is also know as the "Friendly Islands". Tonga mostly consists of flats islands with limestone bedrock. Tonga's population was only 103,197 in 2018 and now at 2020 it only went u by 2000+. If you love animals you'll be excited to know that Humpback whales often travel to Tonga waters to give birth or breed so it is common to see Humpback whales in Tonga. If you visit Tonga make sure not to swim or do anything on Sundays as it is illegal, Sundays in Tonga as seen as rest days and should not be spent by working.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020