
Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Footprints - Forensics

This week we had to identify which shoes belonged to which footprint, we had to recognise each shoe to footprints and try to solve which is which. In some of the shoes I noticed that they were the same because of the way the shoes were printed onto the paper, some parts were grazed and smoothed probably because of the walking when it was worn. Some parts of the shoeprints had a pointier top to it which gave us more of a clue on which to match it with. They also had some of the paint spread out but that was most likely an accident. Some patterns that I noticed on the bottom were that it had maze looking squares, some of the shoes had complete patters but some looked like it had been rubbed out because of waking.

File:Shoeprints.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Monday, November 8, 2021

Self Saucing Chocolate Dessert in a Mug.

Kia Ora! Today we will be talking about what I did in our food economics class. This week, surprisingly our teacher told us that we would be making a desert! I was excited to hear about this since I was craving sweets the whole day. 

This was one of the easiest but yummiest things we did by far, first we prepared all our ingredients. After we set out everything we learned a little about measurements to help us with our cooking.  Once we learned the tasks required for us to we got to working! We added all the ingredients in one bowl and thoroughly mixed it together, we put that in a mug and poured some hot water inside of it. Then we made the sauce, the sauce was also easy to make and we drizzled that on top of the main dessert inside of the mug. Finally, it was time to bake it inside the microwave! We excitingly set the timer to 1:30mins and waited for it to gives us that ringing sound so we could open the door and get our desert.

When I first tasted it, it was delicious. The sauce almost melted away in my mouth, it had good texture and it was the right amount of sweetness. I would 10/10 recommend this as a D.I.Y project all items that was used in this cooking could easily be found at your house!

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Meaning Match - HUR1 BH

"My parents are very assiduous in their jobs to earn money for our family."

"He had this aptitude in spelling so he was nominated to enter a national spelling bee."

"He was circumspect about his surroundings after what happened last summer."

"He went into the machine and had a complete metamorphosis, he was in a complete shock after that."

"My friends language is renunciation so I don't talk to them much." 

"The water in the pool is substantive so it was very slippery."

Health - Project blog.

 Explanation of the task given to us ;

In Health we were set a task that required us to answer a question related to vaping and research about it, soon after that we had to make that idea come to life! Our success criteria was to be able to finish our project in time and get as much points as we could. The topic that we chose to work on was to make an art based project that could help people learn about vaping.

Explanation of what I did ;

Firstly we had to answer the task "6 big questions" we were set a question to answer and that question was "Why... is vaping harmful in short term and long term?". I think that we finished this part successfully. Once we had our question answered we moved on to filling out our strategy sheet, inside this sheet we had to think of 2 different strategies for each of the questions given on the sheet. We filled in these boxes and tried to make sure we put as much detail as possible. After answering every other task it was finally time for our chance to get to make/create our art project, as stated earlier we chose to do something art related that could catch peoples eyes and also inform the people about the possible dangers of vaping. Our project is an information box shaped like a cloud that has small boxed that you can open and look inside. We've learned that the strategies from earlier helped us complete our project because it gave us more knowledge about vaping, it might also help us in the future if we happen to vape. 

Conclusion ;

It was challenging because we had a lot of ideas but not enough time to finish. We were able to improvise and tried to fit everything in the time we had left. Me and my team coped with the challenges by working together calmly and trying our best not to have an argument, thankfully our hard work and patience paid off . I worked well with my team because we didn't fight and we all did the same amount of work possible. We helped each other with tasks and made sure everyone in our team would finish their part of the work. Something I would change is that next time I will pick something easier that we will be able to finish faster and in the time given to us. But overall I am really proud of how the project turned out, it turned out a lot better than what I would've expected.

Down below are photos of my project, i hope you like it!

Maths & Science - What we did.

Aim ; About calculating the area of house and voltage of the bulb by using ohm's law.

Method ; I chose yo pick plan B because I thought that it was perfect for me, it wasn't too difficult but it could still be able to give me a challenge. I ended up wanting to use 8 bulbs in my house because it is the right fit/number. There is a total of 5 rooms inside of the house each having their sole purposes.

Discussion ; From what I've learned current means how quickly the electrons move(flow). Voltage is how much energy the electrons are carrying. Resistance is used to slow/resist the flow of the electrons (current).
Calculating the area ; We firstly calculated the main area which is 9 x 11 = 99, after that we did half base x height (3 x 3 = 9). After all those other calculations we did the half circle at the top of the plan we drew in, 3.14 = 2 pi R (it is like this because it is only half a circle.) Once we got the 3.14 we then multiplied it by two equalling 6.28 we then multiplied that 6.28 into 3 which then equalled to 18.84, we divided that into two which finally led to our answer 9.42. We found that after adding everything together it would equal to 117.42m2 this was the final area of the whole house plan. 
Calculating the bulbs/pathway ; The pathways are the wires that connect the bulbs together. All of the paths had 200v each, we divided the volts depending on how much bulbs there were on that path. Example is that if there were 3 bulbs in one path that would be 200v divided by 3 equals 66.67v, the 66.67v is how much volts get in one bulb. We calculated each pathway and got our answers.

Conclusion ; Did I enjoy this project? Well it sure did have its ups and downs. I enjoyed some parts like being able to draw the houses. If i were to do anything differently I would try to challenge myself more and pick house C, it is always fun to try something new next time! Perhaps for house C ill do more bulbs so that the house can be more lit up!

Here are some pictures I took of my project.