
Monday, April 29, 2019



Aim: To learn about flight and aerodynamics. 

  • In your groups of 3 you will make a paper plane and measure its distance and behaviour.
  • In groups of 3 you will make a water rocket and record its distance and behaviour. 
Image result for flight forces

The definition of aerodynamics is that something can fly 
4 forces of flight:

  1.   Gravity
  2.    Thrust 
  3.   Lift 
  4.   Drag

Paper Plane:


1. Paper 
2. Ruler


1. Fold the long sides in half
2. make the wings
3. cut flaps on     


Plane Type


Paper clip
5 mstraight line

Conclusion: We found out that whatever you do to the paper plane it will change the behaviour of it. We found out that if you put a paper clip on the aeroplane it may go straight.We also found out that if you put ailerons it also may curve.
Our normal paper aeroplane got 4.6 distance on a slanted behaviour . Our ailerons paper plane got 2.1 distance but it was curved. Our paper clip aeroplane got 5 meters  and the behaviour of it was straight.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

What do I BLOG about?Hurumanu Drama/Health

We played 5 different drama games there names were FREEZE FRAME, two truths one lie,follow the leader, copy dancing, tequila.

Freeze frame is a game where you have to be in 4 to  3 groups. One person is going to say what type of thing or shape we need to form. you need form a she in 5 seconds and communicate what you need to form. I learnt how to communicate with my team in 5 seconds.
Two truths and one lie

Taha tinana - physical well being

Taha hinengaro - mental and emotional well being

taha whanau - social well being

taha wairua - spiritual well being








Aim: To separate colours from Skittles by using chromatography.



  1. Flat container

  2. Different colored skittles

  3. Water



Step 1: first you put the different colored skittles in the container.

Step 2: put the container with the skittles on a flat surface

Step 3: put some water inside of the container

Step 4: wait for the color to melt off of the skittles

Step 5:

Step 6:

Conclusion: What have I learnt from this experiment?

The steps on this experiment was really easy and is definitely doable at home. The water dissolves the color off of the skittle which makes the rainbow.In this experiment I learnt that water can dissolve color out of things that has dye in them and also it can dye the water.the material on this experiment was basic materials that you may find in your house, and maybe you can do this experiment too.

100 word challenge

...But it was the wrong colour...

On my birthday me and my friends went shopping to try and find a gown for my 18th birthday. We went to a dress shop to try find a pearlescent white and long  dress. As I was walking around the store I spotted a beautiful dark and shiny dress… but it was the wrong colour. Instead of pearlescent white it was midnight black and was really short. I thought to myself “should I wear it?” my birthday was in a few hours. I was devastated and didn’t know what to do. I decided to wear it, I had no choice.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Rainbow paper

Rainbow Paper


Aim: To separate colours by using the process of chromatography.





  1. Filter paper

  2. Water based felt pens.

  3. Cup

  4. A bit of water
  5. Ruler

  6. pencil



Step 1: get the filter paper

Step 2: make a line that is one centimetre long.

Step 3: make tiny circles on the filter paper using the water based felt pens.

Step 4: put the filter paper on the side on the cup just about floating on to of the bottom of the cup

Step 5: add a bit of water into the cup

Step 6: and then wait until the markers start to spread

Conclusion: What have I learnt from this experiment?

In this experiment I have learnt that water based felt pens spread really quickly if you add water to it.the steps on how to make the rainbow paper is really easy to do if you have the ingredients at home it is really easy and fun to do. The materials for this experiment might be found in your house, and maybe you can give it a go yourself.I think the coloured pens spread quickly because when the water gets to it, it makes it spread when it’s not dry yet.


Friday, April 5, 2019

Household chemistry

Aim: To learn the names of 10 household chemicals, their elements, and reactions with other substances.


1. Dish-washing Detergent
2. Lemon
3. Salt
4. Vinegar
5. Sugar
6. Air Freshener
7. Onion
8. Lemonade
9. Bleach
10. Baking Soda

Steps : 

1.   First thing I did is to put our aim on top of the page, Then I listed the equipment that was needed.
2.secondly I made a table and  put the names of the ingredient, chemical, image and the solid, liquid or gas.
3.lastly I did the conclusion on the very bottom of the page.

Repeat the steps for all the chemicals.

Task 1: Put the 10 chemicals in a chart with the titles - Name, Chemical ingredient(s), Image, Solid/Liquid/Gas.

fatty acids
Image result for soap
Lemon juice
Image result for lemon juice
Sodium chloride
Image result for salt
Image result for sugar
Acetic acid
Image result for vinegar
Image result for milk
Onion gas
Image result for onion
sodium hypochlorite
Image result for bleach bottle
Baking soda
Sodium bicarbonate
Image result for baking soda
citric acid
Image result for lemonade


Conclusion : I learnt that there are lot of chemicals in different home supplies that you may have at your house. I also learnt that there are solid/liquid and gas in different items that can easily be found in your house.