
Friday, September 15, 2017

Sand Dunes

Independent Learn Task:
Save our Sand Dunes

Make a copy of this document and answer the 10 questions.
All of the answers are in the article that you have read, so make sure that you go all the way through to find the answers.
Remember to write your answers as full sentences!

  1. Every year, where does the family from the article spend their summer holidays?

At the beach.
2. What was the track that the family used blocked off with? And what did the signs say?

The fence. keep off the dunes.
3. Under the subtitle ‘Just a Heap of Sand’ .. What does it mean by ‘people often take sand dunes for granted’ mean?for granted means when someone grants your wish

4. How long is New Zealand's coastline?10000
5.  How many kilometres is made up of sandy beaches with dunes? They are 150 meters high

6.  Under the subtitle ‘Sand Plants’ what do plants have to be able to survive with?
Hot sun and salt spray
7.  What are the most common dune plants?

Pingao Kowhangatara (spinifex) marrama
8.   What is Pingao often used for?mori weaving

9. In the section ‘How can you help Save the Dunes?’ what are 3 of the main points?

Look for the beach access sign. Keep fires away from the dunes. Recycle your rubbish.
10. Who wrote this article?

By Philippa Werry

Teacher Comment:

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Thursday, September 7, 2017


This week we have been reading Kuri. Kuri is about dogs and when our ancestors first arrived in New Zealand. Independent Learn Task: Kuri Make a copy of this document and answer the 10 questions. All of the answers are in the article that you have read, so make sure that you go all the way through to find the answers. Remember to write your answers in full sentences… if you can’t remember how to do this, go back to last weeks work and check! When did the early Polynesians begin sailing across the Pacific Ocean looking for new lands?about two thousand years ago. 2. What are Kuri? A kuri is a dog. 3. What have people found in Hawaii? People have found dog bones that hundreds or even thousands of years ago. 4. Who did Kuri arrive with? Kuris arrive with their owners. 5. Who was Taneatua?Taneatua was a well known traveler 6. What is Mataatua? A Mataatua is a big boat. 7. What is the hill called? The hill was called Whakataka 8. What valley did Taneatua leave another one of his dogs in?he left one of his dog in Ruatoki Valley 9. Who is Captain Cook? (you might need to do some research) James Cook was a naval Captain, navigator and explorer 10. What happened to the dogs when they attacked sheep?sometime theses dog get shot some even get killed Teacher Comment: