
Thursday, September 16, 2021

Eye dissection.

What we did -

Yesterday during science we did a dissection! We decided to do a dissection on a cow eye and see what was in it. Although before we started, we needed to learn ow to do it so we watched a video. Afterwards we started dissecting. We first cut all the excess fat off of the eye, after all of the fat was recycled we cut off the cornea to get inside. As we were cutting some of the humerus juice came out! It was black and it looked a bit dirty, Once all the ooze was out some slimy clear liquid came out with the lens (it sort of looked like a clear (egg). We saw a bit of the pupil on the side, it was coloured brown. We cut up everything and dug deep, we finally saw the retina and the ciliary muscles. It was black but some parts of it were colourful, it was really interesting to see what it looked like inside!

Reflection -

Did I enjoy it? - It wasn't the BEST experience to me, it felt and looked a bit disgusting. I personally didn't touch it much because i wasn't very fond of the idea but one of my teammates were brave enough to do it! I enjoyed exploring the parts of the eyes and learning new things.

What did I find interesting? - What I found most interesting was the retina! The colours fascinated me a lot and I was very curious why it was that type of colour compared to the rest of the eye, so I researched about it! Turns out it's like that because when light enters the eyes it gets reflected so it amplifies low level of the light. This will help them see better at the night time!

What did I learn? - Experimenting on the cow eye I learned a couple of things. For example I didn't know that there was a lot of liquid inside of the eyes! My original thought that it was all just a solid, I also expected to see blood inside the eye but I was wrong! 

Picture of me and my group!


  1. Hi Faye,
    Great blog post! I really like how you have explained what the parts looked like in detail- the lens and jelly around it really did look like a clear egg. I am glad you looked and learned even if it was a bit gross to touch. It was fantastic that your researched the tapetum lucidum to find out why it was shiny blue/iridescent and what job it does for the cows. Do you think humans have it?

    Well done :)

    1. Hi Miss Abernethy,
      Thank you for your feedback! I do think that humans have this, although perhaps not since we don't see very well in the dark!


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