
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Truffles - Food Economics

 Kiaora, in today's blog post I will be telling my experience and what we did in today's lesson. When the lesson began, we found out that we were going to make these treats called truffles. Truffles are made of cocoa powder, butter, icing sugar, vanilla essence, coconut and crushed biscuits. These items are very easy to find at home so I do recommend for you to try these out in your own time! Most of our instructions were to mix the ingredients together, after that we moulded the mixture into balls and cooled it. Once we took it our of the fridge, we saw these yummy looking treats, It was brown with some of the ingredients peaking out and it had shredded coconut all over it!  Once we got the chance to taste them, they tasted delicious! It tasted like chocolate flavoured with a bit of coconut, it was very soft in the mouth and wasn't hard to chew at all! My ending opinions is I really liked these snacks and would definitely try it at home next time i'm free!

Why do people get paid more than others?

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Footprints - Forensics

This week we had to identify which shoes belonged to which footprint, we had to recognise each shoe to footprints and try to solve which is which. In some of the shoes I noticed that they were the same because of the way the shoes were printed onto the paper, some parts were grazed and smoothed probably because of the walking when it was worn. Some parts of the shoeprints had a pointier top to it which gave us more of a clue on which to match it with. They also had some of the paint spread out but that was most likely an accident. Some patterns that I noticed on the bottom were that it had maze looking squares, some of the shoes had complete patters but some looked like it had been rubbed out because of waking.

File:Shoeprints.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Monday, November 8, 2021

Self Saucing Chocolate Dessert in a Mug.

Kia Ora! Today we will be talking about what I did in our food economics class. This week, surprisingly our teacher told us that we would be making a desert! I was excited to hear about this since I was craving sweets the whole day. 

This was one of the easiest but yummiest things we did by far, first we prepared all our ingredients. After we set out everything we learned a little about measurements to help us with our cooking.  Once we learned the tasks required for us to we got to working! We added all the ingredients in one bowl and thoroughly mixed it together, we put that in a mug and poured some hot water inside of it. Then we made the sauce, the sauce was also easy to make and we drizzled that on top of the main dessert inside of the mug. Finally, it was time to bake it inside the microwave! We excitingly set the timer to 1:30mins and waited for it to gives us that ringing sound so we could open the door and get our desert.

When I first tasted it, it was delicious. The sauce almost melted away in my mouth, it had good texture and it was the right amount of sweetness. I would 10/10 recommend this as a D.I.Y project all items that was used in this cooking could easily be found at your house!

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Meaning Match - HUR1 BH

"My parents are very assiduous in their jobs to earn money for our family."

"He had this aptitude in spelling so he was nominated to enter a national spelling bee."

"He was circumspect about his surroundings after what happened last summer."

"He went into the machine and had a complete metamorphosis, he was in a complete shock after that."

"My friends language is renunciation so I don't talk to them much." 

"The water in the pool is substantive so it was very slippery."

Health - Project blog.

 Explanation of the task given to us ;

In Health we were set a task that required us to answer a question related to vaping and research about it, soon after that we had to make that idea come to life! Our success criteria was to be able to finish our project in time and get as much points as we could. The topic that we chose to work on was to make an art based project that could help people learn about vaping.

Explanation of what I did ;

Firstly we had to answer the task "6 big questions" we were set a question to answer and that question was "Why... is vaping harmful in short term and long term?". I think that we finished this part successfully. Once we had our question answered we moved on to filling out our strategy sheet, inside this sheet we had to think of 2 different strategies for each of the questions given on the sheet. We filled in these boxes and tried to make sure we put as much detail as possible. After answering every other task it was finally time for our chance to get to make/create our art project, as stated earlier we chose to do something art related that could catch peoples eyes and also inform the people about the possible dangers of vaping. Our project is an information box shaped like a cloud that has small boxed that you can open and look inside. We've learned that the strategies from earlier helped us complete our project because it gave us more knowledge about vaping, it might also help us in the future if we happen to vape. 

Conclusion ;

It was challenging because we had a lot of ideas but not enough time to finish. We were able to improvise and tried to fit everything in the time we had left. Me and my team coped with the challenges by working together calmly and trying our best not to have an argument, thankfully our hard work and patience paid off . I worked well with my team because we didn't fight and we all did the same amount of work possible. We helped each other with tasks and made sure everyone in our team would finish their part of the work. Something I would change is that next time I will pick something easier that we will be able to finish faster and in the time given to us. But overall I am really proud of how the project turned out, it turned out a lot better than what I would've expected.

Down below are photos of my project, i hope you like it!

Maths & Science - What we did.

Aim ; About calculating the area of house and voltage of the bulb by using ohm's law.

Method ; I chose yo pick plan B because I thought that it was perfect for me, it wasn't too difficult but it could still be able to give me a challenge. I ended up wanting to use 8 bulbs in my house because it is the right fit/number. There is a total of 5 rooms inside of the house each having their sole purposes.

Discussion ; From what I've learned current means how quickly the electrons move(flow). Voltage is how much energy the electrons are carrying. Resistance is used to slow/resist the flow of the electrons (current).
Calculating the area ; We firstly calculated the main area which is 9 x 11 = 99, after that we did half base x height (3 x 3 = 9). After all those other calculations we did the half circle at the top of the plan we drew in, 3.14 = 2 pi R (it is like this because it is only half a circle.) Once we got the 3.14 we then multiplied it by two equalling 6.28 we then multiplied that 6.28 into 3 which then equalled to 18.84, we divided that into two which finally led to our answer 9.42. We found that after adding everything together it would equal to 117.42m2 this was the final area of the whole house plan. 
Calculating the bulbs/pathway ; The pathways are the wires that connect the bulbs together. All of the paths had 200v each, we divided the volts depending on how much bulbs there were on that path. Example is that if there were 3 bulbs in one path that would be 200v divided by 3 equals 66.67v, the 66.67v is how much volts get in one bulb. We calculated each pathway and got our answers.

Conclusion ; Did I enjoy this project? Well it sure did have its ups and downs. I enjoyed some parts like being able to draw the houses. If i were to do anything differently I would try to challenge myself more and pick house C, it is always fun to try something new next time! Perhaps for house C ill do more bulbs so that the house can be more lit up!

Here are some pictures I took of my project. 

Thursday, October 21, 2021

ESOL - My Holiday

Thursday 21 October, P4 ESOL.

In this blog I will be writing about what I did in term break. 
Physically I did a couple of things, my whole family was very busy during the past few days. 
We did a lot of exciting activities like when we moved houses! We needed to pack a lot of boxes and go back fourth in between our new house and our old house, we also did a lot of cleaning inside our old house which was a bit tiring. Another physical thing I did was draw and colour a lot because we didn't have wifi for the whole term break! I went outside in the yards with the dogs, it was loads of fun! We moved a couple of furniture in our new house too. 

Intellectually I only learned a limited amount of things since I didn't have much access to the wifi though I did learn my way to school by walking there from time to time inside the term break, I watched a couple videos on how to draw certain things and surprisingly I was actually able to do most of them! I watched an Indian suicide case and I learned a couple of things from that...

Although I did do a couple lots of things I was still very bored and didn't really feel that happy during the weekends. I wish I could've done more fun things during my birthday and throughout all of the other days. I also felt sad because of something that happened in term break that I cannot discuss. my final thought is that I do think that my term break could've been a lot better but it wasn't the worst days of my life so i'm pretty much alright with how it turned out.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Circuit Constructing.

In series the voltage is split.


In parallel the voltage is the same.

Voltage Rule ; In series the voltage is split between components in parallel cur\\the voltage is the same everywhere. Volts (V)

In series it will be the same

In parallel is will be split 

Current Rule ; In series current is the same everywhere. In parallel current is split between pathings.


Current (I) - How quickly the electrons move (flow).

Voltage (V) - How much energy the electrons are carrying.

Resistance (R) - Used to slow/resist flow of electrons (current). 

Thursday, September 30, 2021

ESOL T3 - Feedback.

I personally think that the best lesson was reading Wonder and playing some fun games that our teacher presented us. I liked reading wonder because it gave us time to “wonder” and have our own peace and quiet. Although I wouldn’t want to read ALL the time. I really enjoyed playing the games a lot because it gave us the opportunity to bond with friends and classmates, and it was also fun competing to make sure our team will win!One task I was proud of is, well i’m not specifically proud of a particular work that I did because I think I did decent work not outstanding or bad work. One thing I would do differently next time I do ESOL is that I'd try to make more time in completing work and try my best to have a decent grade. I would like to try and get out of my comfort zone at some point so that I can speak better in future jobs..One more thing I’d like to share is that I liked watching the movie about the three men in Jamaica who were trying to win the Olympic games, I enjoyed this part of the term because we got to learn about a sport that I haven’t heard much about and that we didn’t really have to do much when we got to class!

Monday, September 27, 2021

Food economics / Food review

 Kia ora!

Today I will be discussing what I did for food economics last week. Sadly I forgot the name of the food but it was a burrito or taco looking snack! Now you may be asking, how did you make this delicious tasting snack? Well here is what I remember. 

First things first, we got our instructions from our teacher and once she was done talking to us she let us off to go have a try at cooking this snack. First I cut the meat into little pieces, approximately 1 cm wide and perhaps 2 cm long whilst my partner started to cut the vegetables. Me and my partner stood a little far from each other since we didn't want an infection to occur if the veggies and the chicken mixes. After we were done cutting everything, I seasoned the meat with spice mix and popped it in the oven. While waiting for it to cook we put in the tortilla in the microwave for 10 seconds and started preparing everything that was gonna go inside. Finally! We assembled everything together and had a bite.

It tasted delicious... as the food filled my mouth with flavor and texture I felt all the Little veggie pieces and the meat getting crushed in my mouth, they all thankfully mixed well together. As I was biting it some of the filling got out, but it's okay I put it back in! The flavour that stood out most to me was the onion, it had a very strong but good flavour. Perhaps if I could re-do it again I would perhaps put more ingredients in the meat.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Static Electricity.

What are the 3 particles that make up everything? Which ones have positive and negative charge?

Protons = Positive 

Neutrons = Neutral 

Electrons = Negative

Objects want to be "electrically neutral", what does this mean?

It means that they want to have an even balance of negative and positive, opposites attract.

When you rub two insulators you can get a static shock, so what is an insulator and a conductor?

Insulators are bad at passing on electricity but conductors are good.

What is an example of static electricity?

You can get static electricity from your hair, carpet, jacket,cardigan, slides, etc.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Open Steak Sandwich !

                                        Open Steak Sandwich

How we made it ~

We started off by getting all of our needed ingredients and supplies out and on our tables. Of Course we sanitised it before putting them on. Once everything was all set, our teacher instructed us on what needed to be done and we finally started! Firstly we rolled the red meat and rolled it into slightly long pieces whilst our partners cut the vegetables which consisted of peppers, onion, salad leaves, tomatoes, etc. After the cutting has been done we mixed some of the vegetables with the meat and put it on the pan to fry, it didn’t take long for it to cook nicely! Once these were cooked we put them in our buns and put the extra sauces and veggies onto the burger.

How it tasted ~

By far this was my favourite food we made in our class, it tasted so good it’s indescribable! Everything from top to bottom complimented each other, the steak was the perfect texture it wasn’t rubbery/chewy or too under-cooked. The vegetables tasted a tad bit sweet and went well with the sauces we put on. You could hear the veggies crunching in your mouth as you bit into it! 

Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Cay - Questions about Chapters 12-13.

1. How many days have Timothy and Philip been of the islands?
They've been in the cay for around 40 days.

2. What does Philip do to help Timothy when he is sick?
Philip helps timothy by assisting him, gave Timothy water and ripped some parts of his clothes to put on top of Timothy forehead like Philips mom did with him.

3. Explain why Philip is ready to climb the coconut tree?
Because he succeed climbing it and Timothy taught him what to do and how to specifically climb the tree. 

4. Why do you think Timothy is trying to teach Philip these survival skills?
Because Timothy thinks that he may die so he teaches Philip how to do these certain tasks so that when he is gone he will still be able to survive on his own.

5. What do you think Philip mean by his comment, "are you still Black"?
I think Timothy asked this question sarcastically because he perceived black people as being bad or unhelpful whilst Timothy was good and helpful which he thought wasn't the case.

Eye dissection.

What we did -

Yesterday during science we did a dissection! We decided to do a dissection on a cow eye and see what was in it. Although before we started, we needed to learn ow to do it so we watched a video. Afterwards we started dissecting. We first cut all the excess fat off of the eye, after all of the fat was recycled we cut off the cornea to get inside. As we were cutting some of the humerus juice came out! It was black and it looked a bit dirty, Once all the ooze was out some slimy clear liquid came out with the lens (it sort of looked like a clear (egg). We saw a bit of the pupil on the side, it was coloured brown. We cut up everything and dug deep, we finally saw the retina and the ciliary muscles. It was black but some parts of it were colourful, it was really interesting to see what it looked like inside!

Reflection -

Did I enjoy it? - It wasn't the BEST experience to me, it felt and looked a bit disgusting. I personally didn't touch it much because i wasn't very fond of the idea but one of my teammates were brave enough to do it! I enjoyed exploring the parts of the eyes and learning new things.

What did I find interesting? - What I found most interesting was the retina! The colours fascinated me a lot and I was very curious why it was that type of colour compared to the rest of the eye, so I researched about it! Turns out it's like that because when light enters the eyes it gets reflected so it amplifies low level of the light. This will help them see better at the night time!

What did I learn? - Experimenting on the cow eye I learned a couple of things. For example I didn't know that there was a lot of liquid inside of the eyes! My original thought that it was all just a solid, I also expected to see blood inside the eye but I was wrong! 

Picture of me and my group!

Sunday, August 29, 2021



In our social justice hurumanu we’ve been talking about very important issues happening in today’s world. The main topic for our assignments have been prejudices against certain communities. Whether it be racism, homophobia, etc. The main point of this writing is picking three communities that get pre-judged by people. I will be writing about these communities and what sort of hate they may face. I chose to write about the Asian, black and the LGBTQ+ community. Below you will find what I've written, enjoy!

Black Community -

Throughout many many years the black community has been enduring massive suffering from racism. As you may know way back, a long time ago black people were enslaved. They did many things that they probably didn’t want to do but were forced to do either way, they even had “owners” who would tell them what to do and when. Back then most black people didn’t have any rights at all, this was because most people believed that they didn’t deserve rights so they weren’t given the same freedom as other communities. The reasoning behind this was most likely because of their skin colour, a lot of people called them “dirty” and would use an excessive amount of offensive slurs. Using offensive slurs and trashing people of colour was considered “normal” back then, thank god it isn’t anymore. What Rosa Parks experienced is a great example of what happens to people of colour, sometimes even worse things may sadly happen to them. Here is a brief explanation of what Rosa parks went through and how she dealt with it.

Another great example of what sadly happens to people of colour a lot is George Floyd, he allegedly stole a packet of cigarettes from a store. Shortly after that, his life was wrongly stolen from him by a corrupted police officer. It’s very sad to see people of colour die just because of the pigment of their skin, everyone deserves to have a chance to live. Since the passing of George Floyd, many people have taken a step forward and protested against the police and against racism. These peaceful protesters have really helped the black community and I'm sure police officers will think twice before doing anything that they might regret. Although George Floyd isn't the first to die from police brutality, many many black people have died without justice. A lot of peoples main judgement upon seeing a balck person is that they might be “dangerous” or that they might be in a “gang”, this is wrong. You shouldn’t base a person's personality on what other people did, everyone is different. In 2021 it’s slowly getting better and there aren’t many racist acts anymore but it definitely still happens.

Asian Community -

Speaking from experience, the Asian community also gets a lot of hate from a lot of different people. The Asian community has been getting oppressed a lot, over the years. Most common pre-judges Asian people receive is that they speak a certain way, and or their eyes are different from other people's eyes. It is really wrong for people to mock languages to sound a certain way and lift their eyes to make them look like  “Asian eyes” in a form of mocking. Racism towards Asians have been getting a lot worse since covid-19 started, this is because people believe that we allegedly are the viruses and that us as a community is the reason why covid started. I don’t think it’s right to accuse a whole community of causing such a horrible act. Videos have been accumulating on the internet that shows Asians getting hit, attacked and getting called racial slurs. Most of these people who were attacked did nothing wrong, but in some people's eyes they guess it was ok to hit someone because they’re Asian. It is sad to see people of the Asian descent attacked and sometimes killed because of the wrongdoing of others. People have to understand that the people they hurt may have families, friends, relatives and a loving partner who cares for them. They have to start putting themselves in other people’s shoes. Similar to the black community, some Asians were also enslaved and traded to “owners”. 

LGBTQ+ Community-

As we already know, the LGBTQ+ community is people who have different preferences. This is the reason why they get hated on, they get hated on for loving someone. Writing that didn’t even make sense to me, so how could people be so ignorant and start bashing someone because they have a different preference? The LGBTQ+ community have been through a lot, in the olden days marriage of the same sex was banned. It was also considered sinful to date someone of the same sex. It’s sad to know that people were abused and sometimes killed for showing affection. I don’t see what’s wrong with loving someone of the same sex, it’s their life. Most pre-judges about the people in this community are that they act a certain way or that they’re “weird”. A lot of religious people think it’s wrong to be gay because they belive that it’s disrespecting god and that they are committing a sin. Can you imagine how difficult it must be to be separated from someone you love because of your gender? Parent’s should learn to teach their kids that it’s okay to be a little different from everyone else, everyone can be different and that’s okay. Another sad thing is that in some cases, teens get “disowned” by their parents because they believe that it ruins their reputation to have a gay son/daughter. My opinion is that people in this community deserve freedom and be able to love who they want to love. LOVE is LOVE you can’t stop it.

From what I've written, I can learn that people get blinded and might start to hate other people. Most get influenced by social media on their judgements of people. The world will never be able to change if people keep acting this way. Social media, news, etc have taken over their brains and they can’t think straight. We’re not living in the past anymore! It’s time to change. Think, what can you do to help? Open your eyes.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Summarising Chapters One through Five - The Cay

Chapter 1 - What I can remember.

The story starts off to talk about a boy named Philip who lives on the Caribbean in Willemstad. Philip lives with his mother and father. All of the sudden a bomb coming from a German submarine, bombs a place near where Philip lives. This part of the story is where we meet his Friend Henrik. Though his mother said not to, Philip sneaks out of his house with Henrik to try and see what happened. This was because Philip was very fascinated with these sort of things and he's never seen one in real life. Although they were sent home by the soldiers. From this part of the story I can understand that World war II is just underway.

Chapter 2 - What I can remember.

Soon after the events that happened on chapter 1, Philips mother believes that it isn't safe anymore to stay where they're living. Although Philip's dad was unable to come with them, Grace still chose to leave and go back to Norfolk until its safe to go back. Philip wasn't too fond about this but still decided to follow his mothers request. Philip starts to pack his belongings and said bye to all his friends, his father and the town he's been living in for years.

Chapter 3 - What I can remember.

Unfortunately, the ship they were aboard on was torpedoed, there was fire all around. They needed to make their way out of the ship and get onto life boats, thankfully they managed to find their way out but... As they lowered the boat with the passengers in it, everyone got plunged off! Philip was unfortunately knocked unconscious... When he woke up, he found himself in a completely different place on a raft with a "Negro man". This is the part where they introduce us to Timothy, At first sight Philip was pretty unsure of Timothy and didn't trust him much yet. He also met Stew cat, Timothy believes that the cat is bad luck.

Chapter 4 - What I can remember.

Timothy and Philip are still adrift at sea. As you can imagine, there isn't much fresh/pure water available for them, nor is there much food. But they still tried to manage even in the cold and wet conditions. They hunt for raw fish so that they could have something to eat. Other than all of the rough environment they're in, they're still somehow alive. Philip also gets to know Timothy a little more, and starts to observe his features.

Chapter 5 - What I can remember.

From what I can remember nothing much happens in chapter five besides... When Philip tires to put his hand at the edge of the raft, Timothy tells him that he should be careful because there could be sharks lurking beneath. Philip seems to take a liking to the cat but Timothy still believes that the cat isn't good luck. I also seem to remember them talking about booby traps...

Friday, August 27, 2021


Langosta's are long and big lobsters, they're red and sometimes they have darker spots on them. In terms of what they can be used for on a cay, there are in fact many uses for them, if there happens to be lots of these lobsters on the cay you're in then you're in luck! These animals could make your stomach full, they're very tasty and have a lot of meat inside them. They're shells are hard and their claws are large and sharp, this part of their body could perhaps be used as a sort of weapon maybe a spear? You could also possibly use them for a shelter, if you're stylish you can use them for decoration!
here is an example of what they looked like Langosta HD Stock Images | Shutterstock

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


What it's like living on a cay.

It might sound quite nice to live in your own cay, however there are a lot of challenges that comes in living in one of these. On most cay's the temperature can get very very hot, this hotness doesn't last for months or days but the whole year! Although, when the sun is down the sea seems to take over the temperature, so it can get very very cold during nights!
Another nightmare for some of us is the amount of mosquitoes in cays, there are many of these little insects roaming around so make sure to keep some mosquito sprays by your side at all times.
Living on a cay sometimes means you have limited resources of building materials, it can also mean you have a limited food supply. Most of the time you have to make your own source of pure water, because you cant drink the seawater by itself.
Caribbean sailing: Top tips from two years exploring this cruising paradise

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Food Economics.

Kia Ora! Today we're going to be taking a look at how me and my team did during food economics!

Our first steps was to prepare the items and ingredients so that we could start our cooking lessons. We got out everything we needed like, chopping boards, knifes, bowls, etc. Once this was all set up, the teacher quickly taught us how to chop the vegetables and the meat in the proper way so that we wouldn't mess up! The first thing I did was diced the onion while my partner chopped the meat into a few pieces, after I finished dicing the onions I continued onto slicing the rest of the vegetables which  consists of capsicum, beans, carrots, etc. We finally finished the slicing process, it was time for cooking. We put two table spoons of sesame oil with the chicken and mixed it around, after that we put it onto the pan with the onions so that they could fry together. Whilst were waiting for that t turn golden brown we got ready another pot to boil the noodles in. The aroma of the golden brown onion drew us in and we soon realised that it was finally time to put the rest of the vegetables in. We mixed all of them together including the noodles and added soy sauce and sweet chilli, these ingredients really did help add more flavor to the dish. The ending results were fantastic! It had the right amount of soy sauce and chilli and all of the ingredients mixed well together, they all complemented each-others taste. My most favourite part of the dish was the noodles, meat and broccoli. I hope to make this at home soon, it's a very easy but tasteful snack!

Here are some pictures of the process of making the food.

Friday, August 13, 2021


Whilst listening to this music I felt very relaxed, like i'm at a beach filled with palm-trees and seagulls. I can imagine the wave splashing against each-other as locals pass by, as I listen to it more it sort of sounded like the theme song to Spongebob Square-pants. This type of music reminds me of people playing the ukulele and the drums in Hawaii while dancing to their song.

Metaphor - As he sang, his voice sounded like a pterodactyl screeching.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Pontoon Bridge.

 Pontoon Bridge.

The pontoon bridge was used in history so that the Persia army could cross the strait of Dardanelles in Turkey. This type of bridge could float on water so that land vehicles such as cars could cross without sinking, not only cars used this but also pedestrians. The pontoon bridge was also use during wartime or emergencies.

Historically, these bridges were built using wood. These floating bridges were simply constructed by fixing several barrels, rafts of timbers, or by using boats. Most of these bridges were used for temporary uses only.

Most pontoon bridges were reusable because you could move them around to use for another time you come across water.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Schooner - DO NOW.

A schooner is commonly known as a sailing vessel. There are 4 masts on the vessel, fore-and-afts are generally rigged on two or more masts. The name of this vessel is related to a Scots word language, this word in their language means skipping over water or to skip over stones.
A schooner vessel isn't very big compared to other boats/ships, it looks like a boat to go fishing on  or simply sail. The masts look like triangles and is coloured white, the vessel itself can be brwon or another colour.
If I were in a schooner I would be able to see the sea surrounding me while sea life lurks beneath, I will feel the cold breeze coming from the sea. I will probably feel the Schooner gently rocking.The top 10 largest sailing yachts in the world

WGA - Envy.

Envy is a type of jealousy you feel for someone of something, this is something you find appealing. You want to have this talent, item, person, etc. Perhaps you want something more than the obvious, for example you envy someone who can play the ukulele. Maybe you don't just want to know how to play this instrument, rather you want to be appreciated for knowing how to play this instrument.

Envy is trying to tell you something but it doesn't tell you everything you need to know, that's what you need to figure out yourself. Perhaps you may ask envy questions like, "why do I envy this person? Is it really just because they can play the ukulele or is it something else that I find appealing about them?".

Envy suggests that you do something to fulfil what you REALLY want to do and not just the obvious, maybe you can't play the ukulele but you can learn another instrument or do something good so that you can be appreciated. 

Do you envy something or someone? Maybe theirs something deeper to what you think you envy?

Sunday, August 8, 2021

ESOL - Dear diary.

Dear diary,

Today was Christmas day and I woke up excited, my mum woke me up with a big yell from outside. Once we walked out of our room, our mother surprised us by saying we had a present waiting for us outside the front of our yard. We ran outside as soon as possible and unwrapped our present. We stood there in shock. Without saying a word we hopped in the trolley and speeded off. We heard our mum yell out “Don’t go out in your pyjamas” but we got too excited so we disregarded what our mother said and played.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Do now - Vocab U-boat German submarine.

The U-boat German submarine was a naval weapon, this type of submarine was one of the best and durable. This U-boat was far more advanced then the ones built by other nations. 
U-Boat sizes usually range around 214 feet long, so as you can tell these U-boats are very big!  
This particular U-boat could hold 35 men and 12 torpedoes, torpedoes can also be very long. 

Here is a video of showing the inside of a U-boat German submarine.
I chose this particular video clip because it shows almost every part of the  boat including the insides, it seems to be very detailed and I cant tell that people can learn a lot about the boast by watching this.

Monday, August 2, 2021

Friends fit into our Relationships

What is Taha Whānau?

Taha Whānau means family wellbeing, it is about who in your life makes you feel like you belong. This is someone you care and love for, you can share your life with them and they won't mind. This is not only about your family it can also be about friends or someone your close with.

Why are 'good friend' relationships so important?

Because they can help you get through things that perhaps you're not able to go through alone, good friend relationships can give you good advice and can help you make big decisions in your life. Not only are they there to be your friend but they are also there to 'protect' you and care for you. They are important because you have an inseparable bond with them that can't be replaced.

Why is Respect so important for all (not just friends) of our relationships?

Being respectful and respected is important especially in our society, if someone gives you respect it should be mutual it shouldn't be a one way thing. Not knowing someone shouldn't be a reason for you to disrespect them, you might not know what they're going through. If you are being disrespectful to someone but aren't sure if it's hurting their feelings your should try looking in their perspective. Respect for each other prevents arguments so stay respectful.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Energy Transformations.

Energy Transformations - When energy is passed/changes from one type to  another.

There are 8 types of  energy

1. Kinetic - Allows movement.

2. Chemical potential - Energy that can come from either food or fuel.

3. Heat - Temperature giving energy. (Hot = lots) (Cold = not a lot)

4. Light - Waves of light - Visible (can see) or Xray

5. Gravitational - Effect of gravity pushing down.

6. Elastic potential - Something that stretches to load up emery.

7. Electrical - Anything that uses power/electricity.

8. Sound - Energy you can hear.

Steps -

Get a plastic cup

Cut the bottom of the cup

Get a balloon 

Stretch it out

Cut half the bottom tip of the balloon

Tightly put the cut balloon onto the bottom of the cup

Put a small marshmallow in and fire away!

Types of energy we used for this experiment -

Elastic energy.

Kinetic energy. - Gravitational energy.

Sound energy.

Conclusion -

As the balloon stretched out the marshmallow prepared to fly! The marshmallow came out and flew high in the air, it slowly fell down afterwards.

Marshmallow Shooters DIY Kids Craft | Coffee Cups and Crayons 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Watching the video about inclusion made me feel and realise that. 
not everyone is perfect and everyone has their own different thoughts and opinions about something. Everyone had an expectation for someone based on what they looked like or what they are. 
It made me realise that sometimes we don't realise that we aren't being inclusive and maybe a little judgey, for example we might forget to greet someone in a party.
What I usually do to ensure that people are being included is I look around if anyone looks lost or ignored and ask them if they're okay, or I usually got and talk to them.
I hope you enjoyed my post about inclusion, here is a link to the video I watched.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

WGA - Commitment

How best have I shown my Commitment so far this year?
I think that I've been pretty decent on my commitment and have been doing and studying my best to keep up with my learning. I am learning ready and dressed in the right equipment. I am respectful to people that are older than me. I try to remain focused so that I can get my work done in every class. I keep my phone safe and out of sight during class time. 

What are my two top Commitment work-ons this year?
Being able to speak in front of people and not be anxious / needing to be more confident.
Waking up more early so that I can get to school at the right time.

In which setting do I find Commitment most challenging?
I find learning spaces the most challenging because it puts quite a bit of pressure on us since we have to do a lot of work, listen to the teacher, be creative and aim for excellence, having a can-do attitude and we also have to ask questions to other people which is for some of us "out of our comfort bubble".

Thursday, July 8, 2021

All Stars Politics slide.

During this term, we've been learning many things about politics and different people who've changed the world!  
Around middle part of term our teachers decided to split us up into groups of around about 4 or more. 
Me, Kristille, Ashton, Issac & Rocki got into a team together and decided to name our group the "All Stars". 
Whilst making the slides I learnt that all of us wanted to help change the world for the better in our own way, that's how our 5 policies were made. 
All of us as a group thought that our slogan should be "Help one another to make the world a better place", this slogan represented what we believed in.
All of this work was for one day which was the representation day at our school, the year 9's were going to present and it was up to the others in the Kahui to decide which they group they thought had the best policies. We are still waiting/unaware of which group won and which one had the most votes.
Here is the slide to present what we've been doing this whole term!

Heat Transfer

Heat Transfer = Moving heat from one place to another.

Example - Fire can spread from one place to another.

Example - An air conditioner can spread heat through out your house.

Conductor of heat = Can pass on heat from one thing to another.

Example - A human can pass heat on if near each other.

Example - A blanket can pass on heat f you wrap it around you.

Insulator of heat = It doesn't pass on heat.  

Example - Your house can keep its heat because of the pink stuff inside the walls.

Example - Wood can keep its own heat.

Convection = Neat transfer without contact 

Example - It moves because the hot air rises so it becomes less dense and cold air sinks as more dense.

Today in BIO we burned the outer layer of a tea bag, we threw the insides and put the wrapper of the tea bag on a heat mat. We lit a match and put it on the tea bag and it slowly rised up into the air. It did go down a couple of seconds later because it cooled down. The tea bag got lighter (less dense) due to the hotness of the fire, it went down because as the fire went out it got colder so it got more heavier (dense).


 Group Members : Faye, Kristille, Qyn & KL

Our big question is “How can we make clothes without using too many materials”. This was our big question because in the future it is more likely for materials to become limited, another thing is that we may not be eligible to use fossil fuels to manufacture the clothing. Using less materials and reusing old ones can help our environment and can improve how our future is going to look.

I contributed by helping make the dress, helped by thinking of ideas, etc.

Talking about our model, us as a group decided to use a mannequin rather than a doll. This was because the mannequin seemed to be more flexible for use and is more proper for designing/putting clothes on. As for designing the mannequin, we had to change it up because of some unexpected things that came our way. Our outfit consists of materials such as scrap fabric, yarn, plastic, etc. The outfit itself looks floral, we tried going for a simple but fashionable look. On the shoulders there are ruffles and some see-through plastic made to look like fabric. The dress is long and elegant looking. Some parts of the dress look very old-fashioned but the materials are futuristic. We made a couple of extra accessories to go with the design, as an example a hat! One of our group members made this and we liked the look of it so we added it to the design. 

A couple problems we may have encountered were disagreements and design-failure, although there were problems we still managed through them and the dress turned out to be beautiful!

Friday, July 2, 2021

TO DO NOW - It is important for high school students to learn about politics.

My thoughts are that yes, it is VERY important for high-school students to learn about politics.

Why do I think its important? Well because some parts of politics can decide their future when they vote. They should be able to vote for the right person so that they can have a great future ahead of them. Maybe someone wants to be a political party re presenter one day, in politics they can learn how to be a great leader!

An example that I can give you is that, imagine this. You're happy and living you life to the fullest, then one day election day came along and you voted for someone you THOUGHT was great. After he/she got elected your whole country started going in to a mess, you've been deceived by someone who you thought you could trust. You stop to think and say "I should've focused on my political studies more". Now this is just a thought, this can happen if you don't learn about politics.

My ending opinion is that YES i do think high school students should learn politics.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

WEEK 8 DO NOW - English is the most important subject to learn in school?

Topic : English is the most important subject to learn in school?

In my opinion I do not think that English is the most important subject to learn in school.

A reasoning for my opinion is that although English may be really important for non-fluent English speakers, I still believe that it's not as important as something else. Some students may want to focus on other subjects and some might want to focus on English. I won't really be able to say which is the most important because there are a lot of opinions that can be put in this. But if I were to pick i'd rather learn something else other then English.

Most of us have other passions in life, if you wanna be a maths teacher then maths would be the main thing you focus on and it'll be the most important to you. Some of us may even be able to learn English by ourselves so for some of us English isn't that important. For all of us it's very different because we all wanna achieve SOMETHING aka a goal.

My ending opinion is that I do not think that it is the MOST important subject.



States of matter :

What is Evaporation?
Evaporation is changing from a liquid to a gas, we do this by heating the liquid up.
As an example, you may notice that when you heat up your kettle with water it gives off a lot of smoke. That's the process of evaporating.

Condensation happens when you cool a liquid down, so it  is the exact opposite of evaporation. If you see this process it may look like shower fog!

Separating a solution by using evaporating and using condensation after.

AIM : Use distillation to separate out the dissolved sugars in the coke/ coke zero/diet, from the liquid.

Hypothesis :

I think all of the sugars are gonna be taken out and the colour of the coke after will be very light brown, almost see through.

Results - Once the coke started boiling it started to form bubbles everywhere, this is when I think it started the evaporation process. As time went by the liquid started turning into a sludgy form which I think was the sugar. The condensing process was the gas coming from the liquid, the gas soon after turned into a liquid. After the experiment was finished the liquid hardened, some other people that did this experiment got different results since we used two different coke types. Coke Zero looked less dark and the classic coke was very dark.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

My 5 Policies.

  • Helping people who are living in poverty. - Poverty is happening all around the world, even to young children and their families. It is definitely important to help these people get back on their feet and start a much better life. For students that go to school and don't have money to afford lunch, I think that they should be proided free lunch to take home an to eat inside of school. This can help a lot of families that're suffering during these times.   
  • Schools should consider giving students the option to wear mufti every-once a week. - You might be asking "Why?" this is because, if you ask most students in schools a majority of them would want to wear mufti every now and the. Some reasons they may give are "It's comfortable!" "You can be yourself while wearing your clothes!" etc.
  • People should be able to vote at the age of 16. - Most adults think that "children" under the age of 18 are not smart enough to vote at that age, Well in-fact a lot of these "children" make more common sense and are a lot smarter. A lot of children around the world proved this, an example is Greta Thunberg. Although she is 18 now, when she first started (She was 15) she'd already noticed a lot of problems around the world that world leaders didn't bother to. This just proves that knowledge doesn't depend on your age! 
  • Implement a national action plan to help eliminate everyday racism and discrimination - A lot of discrimination has been happening for a lot of years and I think that everyone should try there best to stop this. A lot of people have died due to this issue. People have even started BLM and Stop Asian hate but these shouldn't even exist! If only the world didn't differentiate someone because of their colour these movements won't need to happen.
  • Banning vaping/smoking until the age of 20. - I think it should be illegal to vape/smoke (Until your 20) because it ruins young peoples minds and especially their lungs when it has nicotine. Kids should have the right to live their childhood rather then already vaping/smoking at a young age! Vaping is a unnecessary part of a young persons life and can ruin their future. If any children are found vaping/smoking their vapes/cigarettes should be confiscated immediately.