
Friday, May 28, 2021

ESOL BLOG - 100 words+

In today's blog we decided to write about a certain topic, I picked "My favourite things" and this is what i wrote. I hope you liked it!

My favourite things are playing on the tv and drawing, both of these are my main passions, especially art. I would love to be able to take architecture in the future so that I can draw while earning money. The game I'm currently working on right now is Genshin Impact, you might’ve heard of this game before since it is getting really popular now. I’ve been playing it for a couple of months now and it’s really fun to play in co-op. We usually play it around the weekends. For art I usually draw anime because I like the artstyle and the details of it. 

Number 8 Wire Mentality

 Number 8 Wire Mentality : Wga

In these past few days we have been learning about resilience, today our class decided to write about it in  blog. In the doc we talk about rating ourselves on how good we are at things. Some of the questions are more based on the mental side of things in life. 

This is what I rated decided to rate my self on some of the questions.

This is a term used to describe the 'can do' attitude of many New Zealanders. A can-do attitude is one aspect of (choose the best answer)

  1. Commitment

  2. Achievement

  3. Resilience

  4. Respect

Next, rate yourself on a scale from 1 to 10 (10 is best) in terms of several elements of resiliency, including:

Support from other people in your life.











Ability to accept yourself for who you really are.











Your confidence in your ability to cope with adversity.











How good you are at communicating and interacting with others in times of stress.











How good you are at facing challenging problems in life and solving them systematically.











Ability to cope with your emotions in the face of adversity.











Thursday, May 27, 2021

DO NOW - Week 4.

Topic : Rugby is the most definitive sport in Aotearoa New Zealand.

In my opinion rugby is the most influential sport in New Zealand with its overall growth of popularity throughout its year in New Zealand, and the history that comes with it.

Now don't get me wrong, there are far more sports that I like rather then Rugby but there's just so much that rugby has to offer all of New Zealand. In some cases if you think of Aotearoa, it's possible that the first thing to come to mind is rugby because of its popular rugby team called "The All Blacks" this team is very popular throughout New Zealand and have won many games to prove they're worthy! There are many New Zealanders that go to watch their game. Some of the best sport players from New Zealand play rugby. There are a lot of reasons why rugby is a influential sport, especially with its history! Not only is rugby popular but it's also a very enjoyable and entertaining sport, to watch and to play, this is the reason why it's so popular!

I agree with this topic because iv'e heard this sport around every part of NZ! Lots of athletes play this sport because it help their physical health and it keeps them fit! It seems very fun to play this sport and it seems that a lot of people from NZ also like to play it too!

Therefore as seen on the statements above I think that rugby is the most influential sport in NZ!

What sport do you think the most influential? 

Rubber band cup mover.

Hey bloggers! Today we had a rubber band cup mover challenge!

Some IP skills I used were Active listening, Verbal communication and negotiation. A few warm fuzzies I used are "Smart Idea!" "Good job".

Using the IP skills helped us achieve and win the game! We all listened to each others opinions and ideas and succeeded  in the game, all in all it was really fun working with people that I don't usually work with. It was fun because we communicated when we needed help and negotiated on something we didn't all agree on.

In today's challenge me, Kristille, Isaac and Jessie worked together. Me and Kristille don't usually work with Isaac and Jessie but it ended up working pretty well together as a team! It was fun to be in teams with them because they thought of many great Ideas.

If I were to o it again I wouldn't change a thing because I think it all worked out as planned!
I think I worked on level 3 today because of : Following reasons below.
  • Undertakes to learn and practice skills without supervision

  • Sets and works towards achieving goals

  • Does not need direct supervision

  • Makes own decisions about their learning – self motivated

  • Works cooperatively in group situations


Marshmallow Tower

In today's task we had to try to build a tower using skewers and marshmallows, unfortunately ours fell on the last second. 

Two IP skills I used were verbal communication and inclusiveness, this helped us build it because we communicated and all decided on what to work on. All of us weren't left out and we all helped to build the tower, we talked about how to make it better and more sturdy! A couple warm fuzzies I used were GG (good game), Nice!, and nice thinking. 

Using our IP skills helped us build the tower because we discussed on how to start the tower off by using our verbal communication. This helped us with the activity because whenever we needed to repair something we would just tell each other to do so!

Today I worked with Leo and Kristille, I don't usually work with Leo but it turned out to be a fun experience with working with both of them. Surprisingly all of us seemed to work nicely, no one was bringing each other down or anything like that!

If I could redo the activity I would change the way we started the base off, I think it needed to be a little more sturdy so that it wouldn't fall. We definitely needed to work on sturdiness.

I think I achieved my goal on working on level 3 of Helisons behaviour model by, working without supervision, me and my team were able to learn new skills. We made our own decisions during this activity so I think we succeeded in L3.  

Science Experiment.


Examples of thing that is soluble and insoluble :

Soluble :
Coco powder

Insoluble :

What are 3 ways to speed up the dissolving process?
Three are three ways to speed up this process, first try decreasing the particle of size of the solid it should help it speed up. Another way is to increase the temperature of the water or other liquid, this should help it melt more. The last solution is to stir the liquid consistently and it should dissolve quickly, stir it like a you're making a cup of tea!

In our mini experiment we filled up 3 beakers with 3 different types of water temperatures, we soon then put a spoonful of sugar inside of the beakers and mixed it around to see which temperature would the sugar dissolve in faster. We timed speed rate and the hottest temperature won, it dissolved the sugar fastest and it left no sugar left behind! The hot water worked more because it melt the sugar because of its hot temp.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Students should have more mufti days.- DO NOW WEEK 3

Topic : Students should have more mufti days.

In my opinion I do think students should have more mufti.

The reasoning behind my opinion is that I think we should have more mufti days because of all the benefits. Some parts of mufti days also benefits the school, this is because on mufti days sometimes we have to give a dollar. It helps the school by donating a few coins while the students have fun in their outfits. Mufti day is a chance to express your inner self, and be able to wear what you want! Another reason is that sometimes school uniforms get dirty and it would be nice to change every now and then. I think that students have fun in mufti because they're comfortable in the clothes they've chosen to wear. Although school uniform is important, I would want to be able to wear something I like now and then.

Don't you ever just want to go to your school and wear the clothes you prefer to wear? While playing outside i'm sure your school uniform gets a bit dirty and want to change. Don't you want to express yourself in style? If so, then i'm sure that you agree we should have more mufti!

My ending opinion is that we should definitely have more mufti days as you've seen from the reasoning above this text.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Rosa Parks Research • Chaos

Rosa Parks 

By - Faye Ordonez  

Leadership Qualities -

Integrity : Following your belief of excellence, displaying principled dedication to values and beliefs.

Concern : Worrying for important matters, a feeling of care for something/someone.

Determination : Setting a goal and trying your best to achieve it, giving your best effort.

Courage : Being brave, is able to do something that one might be afraid to do.

Rosa Parks - WikipediaResourceful : The ability to solve a problem quickly.

Rosa Parks was a civil rights activist that refused to give up her seat for a white passenger on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. 

She helped to spark up the racial equality problem that has been happening around the world during her time, unfortunately this problem still happens today. 

She achieved the civil rights movement when she refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white passenger. 

The after results of her actions caused the Montgomery bus boycott to be launched and led by Martin Luther King Jr. 

She also helped give african-Americans momentum to be able to fight for equal rights that they deserved. Unfortunately Rosa Parks was arrested on December 1, 1955 for the refusal to give her seat. 

You might be wondering why she did this or why she said no to the white man, this was not because she was tired and unable to get up, it was actually because of her race. 

She refused to give it up because by the law in Montgomery required for blacks to stay in the back section of the bus and for the whites to be able to be in front, Once the white section filled the law required that the black passengers in the “coloured section” give up their seats for the white passengers and move farther back. 

Rosa thought this was unfair and said “Nah!” to the white man which caused an “outrage” to the law. 

Although she wasn’t the first woman to refuse to give up her seat, she was inspired by Claudette Colvin although she didn't get much fame because apparently she didn’t have ‘Nice hair’ she wasn’t fair-skinned and she was a teenager that got pregnant. 

The civil rights activists didn’t recognize her because they wanted to keep a reputation that’s why they chose to recognize Rosa Parks rather than Claudette Colvin.


James Fred Blake interview on the historical day on the bus. ( The bus driver of the bus that Rosa Parks road )

Timeline -

  1. Born, Tuskegee, Alabama

  2. 1914

  3. Moved to Pine Level, Alabama

  4. 1924-1929

  5. Attended the Montgomery Industrial School, Montgomery, Alabama

  6. 1932

  7. Married Raymond A. Parks (died 1977)

  8. 1933

  9. Received high school degree

  10. 1943

  11. Selected as secretary, NAACP Montgomery, Alabama, branch

  12. 1949

  13. Became an advisor to the Youth Council of the NAACP Montgomery, Alabama, branch

  14. 1955

  15. Attended a workshop at the Highlander Folk School, Monteagle, Tennessee, in August.
    Arrested on December 1 and charged with violating Montgomery, Alabama, segregation laws by refusing to give up her bus seat to a white passenger
    Participated in organizing a boycott of the Montgomery bus system

  16. 1956

  17. Lost her job in January as an assistant tailor at the Montgomery Fair department store, Montgomery, Alabama
    Arrested along with other boycott organizers for violating anti-boycott laws

  18. 1957

  19. Moved to Detroit, Michigan
    Participated in the Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom

  20. 1957-1958

  21. Hostess, Holly Tree Inn, Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va.

  22. 1958

  23. Returned to Detroit, Michigan

  24. 1963

  25. Participated in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

  26. 1965

  27. Participated in the Selma-to-Montgomery March

  28. 1965-1988

  29. Worked in Congressman John Conyers's district office in Detroit, Michigan

  30. 1979

  31. Awarded the NAACP Spingarn Medal

  32. 1987

  33. Founded the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development

  34. 1992

  35. Published with Jim Haskins Rosa Parks: My Story. New York: Dial Books

  36. 1994

  37. Published with Gregory J. Reed Quiet Strength: The Faith, the Hope, the Heart of a Woman Who Changed a Nation. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House

  38. 1996

  39. Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom
    Published with Gregory J. Reed Dear Mrs. Parks: A Dialogue with Today's Youth. New York: Lee and Low Books

  40. 1999

  41. Awarded the Congressional Gold Medal

  42. 2005, Oct. 24

  43. Died, Detroit, Michigan; lay in honor in the United States Capitol Rotunda





Monday, May 17, 2021


A few weeks ago from this term we started doing out art project for the rest of the term, this was also part of our home work to get better grades. Some of the things we learned last term were learning tones, shading,patterns,etc. 

The painting process  -

At first we started drawing the lay out plan, we drew the characters that we wanted to paint on the pages of our drawing book. I started drawing squares to represent the paper that I was gonna draw on, in the squares I drew the ideas that I though of painting. This part of the process was fun because we go to see all our ideas in one page. Once we've picked the drawing we're gonna paint we sketched it on the real thing aka the painting paper. After the sketching we painted the drawing and finished the terms assignment! I enjoyed this term because I never really paint that much and it was fun to be able to learn new things about a side of art that I never really try.