
Friday, March 26, 2021

Humanity - H1

In the past few weeks in English we have been working on the Wilder-people film, We've been learning about conflicts in the movie and what it is. We have also been practising for an essay by writing a  paragraph about the film and people in a conflict, I chose to write about Hec in Ricky in a conflict with each other. We had to do a slide and write things about them that we picked up from the movie, For example we wrote about Hec and what his characteristics are in the film. Here is my SEXXXY paragraph, Have you heard of the word "SEXXXY" Paragraph before?

At the beginning of the film Hunt for the Wilderpeople Hec and Ricky didn’t seem to have the greatest relationship with each other, it was to the point that neither of them wanted to talk or see each other.

When they do see each other they hated every moment of it, the only reason they were doing it was for auntie Bella, this shows that the two main characters didn’t want the other in their life.

This is where the conflict starts.

Although Ricky wants to build a positive relationship with Hec, Hec didn’t like the idea of it so he tried to ignore Ricky everytime.

At their farm Ricky visited uncle Hec and asked him if he could call Hec uncle, Hec discarded the idea which made Ricky feel a little bit more unwanted by Hec.

This makes us understand that they both need to work on their relationship with each other so that they could stop conflicting with each other.

Firstly This shows conflict because it shows the “Person vs. Person”. Two people dislike each other and try to avoid each other as much as possible.

Secondly This makes us understand that the two main characters in that story are in chaos because they didn’t understand why the other acts this way.

Lastly It shows that they are at a conflict because as soon as they saw each other they already hated being with the other person.

In conclusion of the Hunt for the Wilderpeople Ricky and Hec ended up making a positive relationship though it did seem hard for them.

During the film you can see that  Hec grew closer to Ricky by saving him everytime he was in trouble.

He even forgave Ricky for shooting him by accident on the leg!

Hec had said that he did enjoy the time he had with Ricky though he didn’t show it, and Ricky felt the same way.

In the movie it is shown that in the end Ricky and Hec ended up living together and even practised hunting again in the woods!

It is clear now that they do enjoy hanging out because they have a lot of good times and laughs together.

I liked the ending because it shows that people can be friends if they really try to.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Wga - Friends Slideshow

This week in Wga we were talking about friends and telling them apart. In this slide you will be able to see tasks we had to answer and work on. During these tasks we had to read an article/text about this. We learned about fake and real friends, This slide show might help differentiate it. This also talks about people saying unkind things to themselves, This might help you realise that you sometimes talk differently about yourself then other people. It is important to stay kind to yourself same as staying kind to others. I hope this slide helps you understand unanswered questions. Do you talk differently to yourself? 

Friday, March 12, 2021

ESOL - Story

Today in ESOL we were doing a story with these words - Contemplate, Courageous and cornucopia. One of the difficult things about writing this was I didn’t know what cornucopia was. Another thing that was hard was writing words that would fit in and sound nice, But I managed to do it I believe. Though it was a bit hard it was really fun writing this story, And you might notice it’s sort of based on a game I’ve recently been playing! Anyway here is my story. I hope you like it. Maybe there’s something I could’ve improved? 

Letter to the outside world.

I woke up to a loud thumping sound coming from the front of my boat , I had thought that I hit a big rock causing my boat to stop in the middle of nowhere. I wiped the sleepiness off my eyes and sat up and looked behind me… And there it was a place yet to be discovered and filled with wonders “I’ve reached land!” I said to myself in awe. I'm a very courageous person if I do say so myself, So I stepped out of the boat without worry. The sand felt like clouds forming the shape of my feet as I walked through. “I should probably contemplate around the place first” I thought to myself, As I was looking around I picked up a scent coming from a few miles away. I followed the scent suspiciously since I had thought there was no one on this island, The scent smelt like different sorts of fruits gathered in one place and I smelt a little bit of pie? I finally reached my destination and peeked around the bushes for safety, it was like heaven! There was a pile of food gathered up in one place, and a humongous cornucopia right in the middle of everything else. I myself am a very big fan of fruit and veggies, I had thought of being a vegan one day… Without worry I rushed over to the food without thinking about the consequences. Suddenly I heard rustling around the bushes, before I knew it I got knocked out and woke up in a wooden cage. This is where I'm writing this now. I’ve tried for days to escape but they’d always catch me, though they are very interesting people. This possum that comes here everyday to get food has been keeping me company. They’d given me supplies to build a leaf bed in my cage so I'm pretty comfortable, Plus they give me a generous amount of food everyday. I never understand them because they spoke in a language I never heard before. For anyone who finds this they have a mask on their faces and have fur all around their body, Some tribal markings and they always carry a bat or a shield with them. Their pretty lazy creatures, Might I mention there’s this big fella with them I had found out it was their leader because they always follow what he/she said. I forgot to mention that I have a sister, Her name is Lumine. I had lost her a couple of months back, I miss her a lot.

Sincerely ~ Traveler 

Friday, March 5, 2021

Athletics Day

Yesterday at Thursday was my first time going to athletics day, I usually skip this day because all we o is sports and i'm not a fan of sports that much. Before school we got to dress up and wear mufti in our house colours and My house was Tieke so I dressed in red! Most of my friends picked social including me. At around 10 AM we started doing the events, The first event I did was high jump, at first I was really scared to jump  because I was afraid I would fail but I ended up making it! After that we did a couple more events but just short ones.We accidentally missed an event once because the teachers didn't inform us that the time changed, But then again we were happy we missed it because we didn't really like doing sports. Around the end of the day the finale event of the day started, The different Houses versed each other in a race. Sadly blue won but it's okay because we can try again next year.