
Friday, November 27, 2020

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Wednesday Fun Run!!!

This week our school held a fun run in Kyle Park! This event occurred in Wednesday on our 4th period. We all changed in our white or different coloured shirts so the colour would pop more and so our uniform wouldn't get dirty. In the fun run we ran around the field while getting sprayed with water guns or getting colours thrown at us. I got some colour in my ear and basically everywhere, It was so fun I wanted to do it again! Also me and my friends decided to go with our teacher to get wet by a bucket, He spilled so much water on us! After everyone got a turn we finally got to go again and we got more colour! It was really fun and I would love to go again.


Today I interviewed someone I didn't know very well in my Wga class. We've also been thinking about questions that help us know someone, not including their gender. It was a bit hard talking to someone that I didn't know to well and was a bit awkward but other then that it was fun. Here are the results ( I will not be putting the persons name because of respectful reasons.)

Here are the questions that I asked that person. -

Where do you like togo on holiday? Beach or city? Beach 

What makes you laugh?

Dark Humour / Jokes 

What would you like to learn more about?


What are some of your favourite foods? Fries 

What makes you cry?

Life in general 

Do you like to teach other people or be taught?


What kind of stories are your favourite? Fictional Adventure  / Horror 

Would you prefer to live in the city or country? 


Add your own question here:

What do you like to do in your freetime? 

Cosplaying / Arts 

Add your own question here:

What helps you relax?

Music & Reading 

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Friday, November 6, 2020

Your Body - Wga

 This week we have been learning about the human body and peoples opinions on it. We've been looking in on how people see appearances and how it is to them, And does it really matter that much?

In our research, Yes, Apparently to a lot of people this does matter to them. The reason to this is mostly because of what they think other people may see them as or they might be scared of people laughing at them.

Another thing we've been looking on is plastic surgery, Healthy or Unhealthy? In my opinion it really depends on the person that's getting it. Plastic surgery can be useful but sometimes not, For example this can be useful for people who've had a bad past and maybe gotten into an accident, they could use plastic surgery to help this, but for those that didn’t I still think it’s personally their choice but I don't think they should, But it depends on their situation.

All of us in our class room have come to the conclusion that we shouldn't worry about our body because our body is just the cove of our real one, The soul.

That't It for today, Cya on my next blog post!

What do you think of plastic surgery?

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Happy Healthy Minds ~ Wga

 These past few weeks we have been studying about bullying and why people bully, Some of the information we have found are ☺ -

Some people who bully are sometimes problem-ed, this may cause them to act differently. Some may Verbally or physically bully maybe because they are frightened of something. most bullies attack other people by their fears. Some bully's may do the things they do because they might be going through something and don't know how to take it. Bully's may have went though something in their past that causes them to act up.

Me and my class also talked about how maybe some bullies bully because they like you or want to be friends with you, Some bullies may just be afraid of you not liking them back. Something you may not see is what're some bullies hiding, some maybe hiding fears or personal problems. It is important to keep in mind that bullies are humans to and you can stand up to them and maybe even ask them what's going on and why they behave so badly?

Why do you think people bully? Let me know in the comment below! 💬

That's it for today, Bye! 👐

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Breakfast plans ~

This week we have been doing some free choice work, The teacher gave up options on what we wanted to work on and we decided to do food plans. 
In these slides we will be showing you some ideas on what you may want to do for your breakfast lunch and dinner. We hope that you are able to make use of this list if you may be having trouble deciding on what to eat!