DLO - Wolves
By: Faye
Wolves are very cute but they can also be dangerous. How can they be dangerous? Well there are a lot of reasons why they are dangerous. Here are some interesting facts I learnt while researching about wolves.
There are a lot of wolf breeds, some extinct, but the most dangerous type of wolf are gray wolves. Gray wolves can weigh from 75 lbs - 200 lbs, they’re length can be from 105-160 cm and they’re body height can go from 80-85 cm. Wolves are carnivores, they eat meat as they’re food source. Wolves can run as fast as 50 - 60 km/h.Wolves howl to assemble they’re pack, they usually howl before or after hunts. Wolves also have 200 million cent cells and they can smell something 1.75 miles away from them.