
Monday, August 13, 2018

Feedback on one of my classmates

This week we aredoing a summarie (The Prince and the Albatross Egg)
I gave feedback to one of my classmates her it is

Hi Amelia I really liked the summarie but dont forget to put capitals in Dunedin and Wellington,You also didnt put to much words and all of them were main points.

The Prince And The Albatross Egg

This week we have been reading about ¨The Prince and the Albatross Egg¨` In 1994 Prince Charles decided to  visit a children’s science museum in Wellington. When the two classes got to know each other they all knew they were all ready to meet the prince when the prince got there it started off with a girl explainig nesting habbits after she was done explainging the prince took the mic and started to ask the questions as he was asking questions there was one perticular question that made everyone silent the prince asked if he could eat the Royal Albatross when everyone went silent he knew that he asked a very bad question. At the end the prince left off.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

About me!

Hello my names Faye and this post will be all about me 😁

Things that I like to do

1.The most thing I love to do is swimming and spending time with family

2.My favorite animal are dogs🐶.

3. I love to play video games and watch movies when I get home🎮📺.

4. My favorite food are fries,bubble tea and bacon.

5. I want to be an artist when I grow up.

6. The 2nd sport I like is basket ball